
For DataLynx Online

Experience excellence

The SureCritic Advantage:

SureCritic is the integrated Customer Review and Online Reputation Management partner for DataLynx Online, and we could not ask for a better partner to provide our customers the best in customer satisfaction management, search engine, and social sentiment elevation with these great features:  

Customer Satisfaction Management:

You want to instill a culture of good customer service at all your locations. A SureCritic add-on to your DataLynx Online subscription will email your patrons each day and motivate them to share their experience.   

SureCritic for DataLynx Online

Good experiences will automatically be posted to your SureCritic review site (or Google Review/Yelp/Facebook reviews) for prospective new customers to see. Bad reviews will automatically route to the owner(s) to take necessary action. Boost your local brand, manage your corporate culture easily, make sure ALL your customers are well-serviced, and keep recurring revenues. 


Increase your 5-star Ratings and monitor your Reputation across all review sites with a simple mobile app:

DataLynx Online Integration

Automatically retrieves customer product and service data for each purchase to facilitate review/survey request delivery via email or text using SureCritic’s delivery system.

Website Integration


SureCritic’s newest release, Text-the-Manager, is a point-of-sale, early warning system for customer concerns that allows customers to quickly and easily notify management of any issues via text message. 69% of customers attributed their good customer service experience to the quick resolution of their problems. Text-the-Manager provides a fast, non-confrontational way to understand customer concerns and solve them quickly.